

25 June 2020

The State Department for Youth,in the Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs established that there are a number of disengaged youth who have competencies in varied trades as a result of traditional apprenticeship but lack Formal Certification.

In view of this, the department has requested for a collaboration with NITA in the certification of identified youths
in the market. The certification to be done taking into consideration recognition of prior Learning (RPL) under the GTT system. Certification will enhance youth employability.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Julius K. Korir, Principal Secretary, State Department of Youth, Mr. Raymond O. Ouma, Secretary Youth Affairs, Mr. Roy Sasaka Telewa, CEO National Youth Council as well as Ms. Auclena Mbaka, Director Youth Innovation and Enterprise. The NITA Team was led by Mr. William Mwanza, Ag Director Industrial Training who was accompanied by Mr. Collins Owino, Head, Assessment and Certification Unit.

The Resolutions from the Meeting were as follows;

  1. Assessment to be conducted at Grade III, level 2 of the Kenya National Qualification Framework (KNQF) in the Skills Sub Framework.
  2. Assessment to be conducted at identified test centres throughout the country including utilization of certified Master Craftsman premises as accredited by NITA.
  3. Mapping out of areas for recruitment of youth to be undertaken. Preference being given to county headquarters with a target of 2000 youths on a pilot basis.
  4. A pre-assessment recruitment tool to be developed that covers the purpose,
  5. Development of a concept paper to be shared with the PS SDY.
  6. The two parties to engage donors and stakeholders in meeting to offset the cost of Assessment and certification.
  7. The State department of Youth to recruit the youth. As the Authority conducts Assessment and Certification in line with established rule, regulations and standards.
    This venture will serve as a Post Covid-19 recovery strategy to the vulnerable youth who has lost Jobs or scaled down operations. 

Get In Touch

Director General, NITA
Commercial Street, Industrial Area Nairobi

  • Telephone: +254-20-2695586/9
  • Mobile No: +254-720-917897,254-736-290676,+254-772-212488
  • Email: directorgeneral@nita.go.ke
  • Hotline: +254-753-244676