Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Labour and Social Protection Hon. Simon Chelegui

NITA's 2nd Sector Training Committees Inauguration Ceremony

20 August 2020

Sector Training Committees (STC’s) are functional committees, constituted by the NITA Board (NITB), under the Industrial Training Act, Cap 237, to oversee the up skilling of workers in a specific sector.

The core mandate of the committees is to observe trends in the industry to recommend and implement meaningful changes to existing and emerging challenges concerning training of persons engaged in the industry.

The realization of the above mandate largely depends on the strength of partnerships and collaboration between the industry and training institutions. To enhance the linkages, the Authority works with Industry Sector Training Committees (STCs). There are nine (9) STC representing nine (9) economic sectors. On 19th August 2020 the Authority launched the 2nd Cycle of STC in a function that was presided over by the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Labour and Social Protection Hon. Simon Chelegui.  


The functions of STC’s include:

  1. Collecting and providing relevant up-to-date-labour market information,  
  2. Identifying and generating relevant occupational competence standards to inform industrial training and give guidance to stakeholders,
  3. In collaboration with NITA develop industrial training curriculum and training and assessment guidelines referenced to occupational competence standards.
  4. Recommending training providers and assessors for registration by the Authority, and any other matters as may be instructed by the board in relation to industrial training.

Get In Touch

Director General, NITA
Commercial Street, Industrial Area Nairobi

  • Telephone: +254-20-2695586/9
  • Mobile No: +254-720-917897,254-736-290676,+254-772-212488
  • Email: directorgeneral@nita.go.ke
  • Hotline: +254-753-244676