In the backdrop of globalization and open market economy, it is only through skill development, skill up-gradation and skill updation of the youth that employment can be generated, national productivity improved and sustainability of development ensured. Relevant skills and competencies and access to jobs can help accelerate the progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, resulting in economic empowerment for all. According to a 2018 World Economic Forum Report, 30% of Kenyan workforce have inadequate skills, a situation that is negatively affecting labour productivity. Furthermore, the report indicates that 3 out of 10 Kenyans lack the required skills thereby reducing productivity and increasing the cost of doing business in the country. This is a clear indication that it is time that we developed and implemented industry-led skills policies that will ensure that human skills development connects effectively to labour market needs.
Skills development is paramount because it not only stimulates the creation of a sustainable development system, but it also contributes towards transitioning the informal to the formal economy. Furthermore, continuous skills development is essential to address the opportunities and challenges to meet new demands of changing economies and new technologies under the 4th Industrial revolution, which is critical in ensuring industries remain competitive in the global market. Kenya has witnessed growth in the informal sector, which accounts for 84% (KNBS, 2019). The sector is characterized by short lifespan due to inadequate access to business development services such as; access to business management training, enterprise development programmes and financial services. To address this challenge, as a country there is need to Provide linkages to formal skills training institutions to upgrade or gain further training including recognition of prior learning and certification, and Promote identification, recognition and certification of master crafts person in the industry.
To enhance employability, there’s need to ensure training offered matches the industry needs. The mismatch between demand and supply of skills in the labour market as well as hindrance to smooth transition from learning to earning has negatively affected productivity in the country. Failure to match industry and the supply of skills, critical for an effective skills development system has greatly contributed to widening of the gap between supply and demand in the labour market.Standing between the youth and decent jobs especially, is Lack of adequate skills training and job specific skills as well as poor youth labour market policies to develop a labour market which can absorb and harness the potential value of the growing youth population.Recognizing the enormity of skills gap in the industry and its cost to the economy, the NITA has been at the forefront in facilitating skilling, up skilling and reskilling persons engaged in the industry. Moreover, to ensure the formalization of the skills gained informally or through experience; NITA is working with partners to operationalize the Recognition and Experiential Learning Framework. This will enable the formalizing of skills acquired outside the formal training system, more so the informal sector. Further, In order to ensure the quality of industrial training offered is not compromised, the Authority regulates and approves training undertaken in industry this enables persons in the industry to gain quality skills relevant to the demands of the industry.