Public Notices
The National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) is a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency whose mission is to regulate and facilitate quality industrial training for enhanced productivity. Towards fulfilling its mission, NITA under Section 7C of the Industrial Training Act Cap 237, has been granted the mandate to register and regulate trainers registered under the Act and to assess industrial training, test occupational skills and award certificates including Government trade test certificates.
NITA informs all esteemed clients that the approved consolidated training and assessment dates for Industrial Training Centres, Trade Test and Homecare Management for the calendar year 2022 are as scheduled in the pdf table attached below: Click on the download button to view.
The National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) is a regulatory body established under the Industrial Training Act,Cap 237 of the laws of Kenya. It is responsible for assessing Industrial training, testing occupational skills and awarding certificates including Government Trade Test Certificates among other functions.
The Authority conducts trade testing in the months of April, August and December and other demand driven times, durations and locations each year.
The Authority is therefore inviting booking applications from prospective candidates in ALL Artisan Grades (Artisan Grade I, II & III) in ALL Trades. Booking is now open for the three Trade Test series as outlined in table I in the document attached.
TT starts from 3rd DECEMBER 2018 (Briefing is scheduled on 27th November 2018 at NITA KISUMU and NITA MOMBASA whereas on 29th November 2018, briefing shall be held at NITA NAIROBI)
Each Assessor is required to confirm their availability online by 25th November, 2018. Click the download button below to access the online confirmation and Bio Data Form. Failure to respond by 25th November, 2018 shall lead to automatic replacement without further consultation.
Pursuant to section 138 of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015
Notice on Assessment of Trade Test Candidates during the gazetted Idd-Ul-Azha Public Holiday on Tuesday 21st August,2018
Director General, NITACommercial Street, Industrial Area Nairobi