NITA's Core Values


  1. Quality- promote quality assured learning, credible assessment and certification that takes into consideration skills, knowledge, values and attitudes.

  2. Equity and access- Create opportunities for all to acquire skills throughout life, and especially for youth, women and disadvantaged groups. 

  3. Responsiveness, relevance and adaptability- develop a high-quality skilled workforce/entrepreneur relevant to current and emerging employment market needs.

  4. Lifelong learning- emphasis on skill acquisition that is bankable, relevant and beneficial to the learner.

  5. Public-Private Partnerships- facilitate collaboration between educators and industry

  6. Diversity of skills- identify, appreciate, catalogue and project the range and depth of skills

  7. Dynamism and innovation- promote and reward growth by embracing change in every sector for development

  8. Flexibility- enhance mobility and portability

  9. Choice, competition and accountability- eliminate discrimination between private or public delivery places an emphasis made on outcomes and deliveries.


Responsibilities of NITA

  1. Management and Supervisory training; Apprenticeship Training,
  2. Craft, Technician (Skill-Upgrading)
  3. Indentured learners,
  4. National Industrial Attachment Programmes, Curriculum development,
  5. Trade testing and certification,
  6. Inspection of training providers;
  7. Administration of Industrial Training Levy Fund
  8. Administration of the five Industrial Training Centres

Get In Touch

Director General, NITA
Commercial Street, Industrial Area Nairobi

  • Telephone: +254-20-2695586/9
  • Mobile No: +254-720-917897,254-736-290676,+254-772-212488
  • Email:
  • Hotline: +254-753-244676