Sector Training Committees
Sector Training Committees (STCs), are functional committees, constituted by the NITA Board (NITB), under the Industrial Training Act, Cap 237, to oversee the up-skilling of workers in a specific sector.
The Role of STCs
- Facilitate registration of employers for NITA levy compliance;
- Determine Sector Training Needs and approve Annual Training Plans;
- Develop Industrial Training programmes including; Occupational competence standards, testing and certification systems, approval of capacity for employers to offer apprenticeship, internship, and attachment, and accreditation.
- Recommending Training Providers and Assessors for registration by the Authority including Master Craftsmen and assessors.
- Profiling of stand-out training providers.
- Recommending mechanisms for improving Industrial Training Levy collection and
- Recommending new trade areas for Trade Testing.
In light of that spirit, the Terms of Reference for STCs are:-
- Registration of employers for NITA regulation and levy compliance.
- Determining Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and approving annual training plans.
- Developing Industrial Training Schemes including; training curricula/programmes, training and assessment guidelines for industrial training and Occupational Competence Standards.
- Recommend training providers and assessors for registration by the Authority.
- Recommend mechanisms for improving Industrial Training Levy collection.
Current Economic Sectors as restructured.
The economic sectors are organized into nine (9) thematic areas as follows:
- Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing & Allied Agencies (ALF)
- Mining, Oil, Gas, Quarrying & Allied Agencies (MOQ)
- Manufacturing & Allied Agencies (MAA)
- Energy, Electricity, Water & Allied Agencies (EGW)
- Infrastructure & Allied agencies (IAA)
- Commercial, Distributive, Wholesale, Retail Trade & Allied Agencies (CDWR)
- Transport, Storage, Communication & Allied Agencies (TSC)
- Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Business Services & Allied Agencies (FRB)
- Government Ministries, Counties, Parastatals, Education and Research Institutions, Commissions, Community & Allied Agencies (GPE)
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