
Techniques and plans for NITA to deploy talented workers to support businesses in decent housing projects.

The Government of Kenya is committed to increasing the supply of new housing to 250,000 annually and increasing the proportion of affordable housing from 2% to 50%. Therefore, strengthening the ability of the Jua-Kali industry to produce high quality construction products is one of the factors that make it possible. 

The mandate of the National Industrial Training Authority is to regulate the training of persons engaged in industry. In line with this mandate, the Authority is required to promote the highest standards in the quality and efficiency of Industrial Training in Kenya and ensure an adequate supply of properly trained manpower at all levels in industry.

The Authority will focus on the following sectors: Production/fabrication of standardized doors, windows, furniture and roofing (welders, carpenters and joiners),Construction (bricklayers, plumbers, tillers, craftsmen and painters), Electrical Engineers, CCTV, Solar and Solar Water Heating Engineers.

 The Authority intends to identify the required skills for the Jua-Kali construction sites and prepare affordable housing projects and training plans to provide specific professional training for the required skills in the projects lasting 1 to 2 months, leading to the assignment of partial qualification or declaration of achievement.

The Authority also undertakes to establish the minimum standards and requirements for the accreditation of workplaces as training places, the accreditation of such workplaces as training places and the selection of competent auxiliaries from the workplaces to carry out training as trainers and evaluators. This will drive the identification of key stakeholders in the Jua-Kali and Housing and Construction sectors to facilitate the implementation of the training, e.g. NCA, MSEA, KNFJKA, KCB, Private sector and Provincial Governments etc. 

Finally, the Authority undertakes to prepare skilled workers applying for certification to undertake a skills assessment leading to the award of the Government Trade Test or RPL. The Authority's up skilling training aims to train  artisans through 1-2 months of training, while recruitment for direct assessment  through the commercial test), while those who will be assessed through the recognition of learning previous (RPL) will be 300. Others will be trained as part of job-specific skills training, also known as priority skill areas.


Get In Touch

Director General, NITA
Commercial Street, Industrial Area Nairobi

  • Telephone: +254-20-2695586/9
  • Mobile No: +254-720-917897,254-736-290676,+254-772-212488
  • Email: directorgeneral@nita.go.ke
  • Hotline: +254-753-244676