

NITA was part of Skills4Prosperity (S4P) Learning Event held on 24th-25th January 2023, at the Crown Plaza hotel in Nairobi.

Various partners and stakeholders were present at the event. S4P seeks to improve learning outcomes from TVET and Higher Education provision in the public and private sectors thorough supporting employability and employment opportunities by developing skills needed in the labour market. Representing the National Industrial Training Authority Director General Eng. Stephen Ogenga at the event was Dr. Rose Komu who is Head of Sector Training Committees.



Get In Touch

Director General, NITA
Commercial Street, Industrial Area Nairobi

  • Telephone: +254-20-2695586/9
  • Mobile No: +254-720-917897,254-736-290676,+254-772-212488
  • Email: directorgeneral@nita.go.ke
  • Hotline: +254-753-244676